Posted by TheTribe UG on 11:14 PM

By Mubanza Haggai (@mubanza)
 With the hip-hop culture approximately 30 years old all over the world, it’s an art of expression that we use to bring out issues affecting our society.
On 22nd November, Mirrors was held for the first time at the Uganda Museum striking a balance between, fashion, spoken word, social art and music to highlight how corruption is an unnecessary evil, hinders development and we as Ugandans should stand up against it. The event was initiated by Hellena Okiring and her team.
The show started at around 7:45pm and was graced by amazing performances with the likes of Saint Nellysade, Jason Ntaro, Beverly Nambozo, T-Bro, Milege Band, Slim MC, Edwin Ruyonga, Big Tril and Benezeri who unveiled part 2 to Zuukuka, a sequel to a song that raises issues about corruption within Uganda.
The event was sponsored by Open Mic Uganda Action Aid, Open Mic, Fenon, Ketoro, Smile Telecom, SWATT, Spire films and designs, Jennifer Ayikoru and Drop Creative.

T-Bro  #KigaFlow #Ekitaguriro
#KigaFlow #Ekitaguriro

BigTril & Benrzeri
Benezeri & BigTril  #BodaBodaSwag #Blest

Milege Band
Milege Band

BigTril & Benrzeri
BigTril & Benezeri

Benzeri, Ruyonga & BigTril Performing Zuukuka Pt.2
Benezeri, Ruyonga & BigTril Performing Zuukuka Pt.2

Ruyonga #VictoryLap


Contact Writer:
Facebook: Mubanza Haggai
Twitter: @mubanza
Email: mubanza@gmail.com
